gospel. Communion says that when you engage in the simple concrete
actions of eating bread & drinking from a cup you reached an edge, a
boundary. You have entered the threshold of a sacred space - a place
of holy paradox.
The beauty of the torn edge. It is that boundary place that is formed
between living and suffering. Communion takes us to that place, to the
Cross on a hill on the edge of Jerusalem, where Jesus was broken for
you & for me.
It is the torn edge where brokenness & spilled blood becomes the balm
of healing, where Jesus' unspeakable pain & abandonment enables
wholeness & intimacy, where God gloried through the death of Jesus
brings light and transformation to peoples' profound selfishness,
where death & resurrection becomes the pathway to birthing something
Communion is the safe place where we can allow ourselves to be
pierced, to be penetrated, to be held and to be humbled, to bow our
heads and find we are accepted in the presence of Almighty God.
Communion the edge that belongs in the middle.
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