Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I remember some of the conversations I used to have with colleagues when I lived overseas. Sometimes they would speak long & passionately about their desire for seeing the Gospel spread like wildfire among Muslim peoples. These were people with Big vision who were focused on engaging in activities that would release church planting movements. Often the image that would be evoked in my mind was of the good news being some kind of unstoppable tsunami. I am uncomfortable with that image.


Rick Love* says he doesn't like the term 'mission' because too often it misrepresents the peaceable way of Jesus. He suggests that rather than conquering the world for Jesus, the presence of the gospel among a community of people is one of blessing and transformation. He says the pattern of God's intention for people is imprinted in God's first conversation with Abraham, "Leave your country, your people & your father's household & go to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation & I will bless you; I will make your name great and you will be a blessing. I will bless those you bless you and whoever curses you I will curse; and all people's on earth will be blessed through you " (Gen 12:1-3). In the New Testament the Apostle Paul makes the direct connection between Abraham, blessing & the gospel, "The Scripture foresaw that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and announced the gospel in advance to Abraham: "All nations will be blessed through you" (Gal 3:8).


The presence of the gospel among people is like a little yeast in the dough. It is subversive & revolutionary bringing fundamental change but its arrival is often subtle & below the radar… mostly birthed in weakness. It is also like a radiating tiger balm bringing healing and reconciliation, justice and generosity ...deeply satisfying and purposeful living.


The presence of the gospel is creative and industrious movement among communities of people responding to the blessing of the kingdom of God.


Rick Love says, "So no more talk of conquering… those who follow Jesus are commissioned to bless".


Outwards & Downwards,




*Rick Love is the International Director for Frontiers, a missional movement focused on blessing Muslims.

'Baraka' is the Arabic word for blessing.

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