Friday, May 04, 2007

Resurrection Deconstruction...

Death, extinction, expiration… equilibrium ?
What’s the difference between peace & death ? Is it merely the absence of life ? Jesus’ death speaks of the violence of men, of life beaten out of his body… of a body breaking & screaming out to its last breath about the imbalance & the dis-equilibrium of a world that breaks too many people.
I have never understood this idea of celebrating the death of Jesus.
 Surely this is THE Dark Mark on the very broad horizon of the actions of men… and the women weep again - as well they should for men - and the death of their compassion – the death of sensitivity. “What manner of action is this… that men would extinguish hope, something new given from the aching heart of God ?”

That men would seek to undo the purposes of God… to destroy righteousness  & justice and drown mercy in their deep arrogance that flows as a never ending steam is dissonance & more of the same.
Oh the anger & the rage of the Center when it is defied and disturbed, when it is made to feel irrelevant. The violence of the Center when it is shown to be hollow & without substance – diminished & lacking in pity.
That the Crucifixion of Jesus could be the path of intensified living, life fulfilled in humility with men sensitive & wholly attending - is Holy irony. It is truly the awful presence of God in proximity to Babel.
The birth of something truly new often means allowing something held too tightly, to be truly extinguished, to die in dust & ashes and then to rise up reborn as the phoenix.  
This is the concrete action, the light of life we call Resurrection.

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