Friday, June 16, 2006

That 'M' Word...

Back in August, 2005 – I jotted down my up to the moment thoughts about that ‘M’ word !

I said it, “is an orientation away from the centre out to the edges... It is decentered – horizontal – seeping into the cracks and crevices of a particular place. It is holiness dwelling in close proximity to the mundane. The ‘M’ word is a movement outwards & downwards into places of injustice & disempowerment... an orientation outwards, towards otherness & difference where we welcome otherness and embrace difference”.

“It is a place of creative space, of possibility where the Spirit of God is most present... a safe place of restoration, of healing & of wholeness... where the possibility of the exceptional is expected”.

“The orientation of the ‘M’ word is about moving away from centers of self-interest, of comfort & self-satisfaction... a deliberate move against the entropy of selfish desire and of greed”. [Quote: “But why should the idea be repellent that humanity be a stench of greediness reaching to the sky ?” - Abraham Heschel] “The ‘M’ word is a movement to places of transformation and participation where God alone is the King !”

I wrote those words from a safe centre. Now that I am living in a more uncomfortable place... I want to know if they these words are true !?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...very interesting blog (as they all are)...have you decided whether the words are true of the 'M' word??

p.s. I loved the elastic Jesus revisited!!